Enhance Your CBT Sessions with AI

Strengthen client commitment between sessions with AI-powered SMS check-ins tailored to individual therapy goals. Fully private, effortlessly integrated, and covered by insurance.

Image depicting CBT session

Real-time Feedback

Immediate insights into client progress for more effective in-person sessions.

Secure & Private Messaging

AI-driven conversations are encrypted, ensuring complete privacy between you and your client.

Effortless Integration

Easily mesh CBTmonitoring with existing tools. For therapists, it's a breeze to set up. For clients, simply await an SMS.

For Providers

Transform therapy outcomes with AI-enhanced support. Join CBTmonitoring today.

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For Clients

Stay on track with consistent AI check-ins. Sign up now (Provider Referral Required).

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Why AI-enhanced CBT?

Consistency is key in therapy. Our AI check-ins provide that consistent support clients need between sessions, ensuring they remain aligned with their therapy goals. Best of all, these AI sessions are covered by insurance, making it accessible and cost-effective for everyone involved.